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Diana Shaul Fine Art

Original Paintings and Drawings

Stories for My Little Sister

We never laugh more than when we're working on Stories for My Little Sister (, the website where we publish our original stories for children (words by Samantha; pictures by Diana). It's been a fantastic excuse – not that she needs much of one! – for Diana to create some hilarious images. Please do pay it a visit and read all about (drumroll please):

Annabella, the singing aardvark (shown here on her world tour!);

Storybook illustration: singing aardvark Annabella rocks out on her world tour.

Big Pong, seen here busily preparing Christmas lunch (it's gonna be smelly...);

Cartoon skunk Big Pong cooks Christmas lunch in this storybook illustration.

and many others, too.

We must apologise for a huge oversight on our part. Our dear friend Harrison Hamster I is terribly upset that we haven't yet introduced you to him. So, ladies and gentlemen, may we please present the witty and debonair Harrison Hamster I, whom we're lucky enough to count amongst our friends. He's pictured here in one of his attempts to become an Olympic hamster. He was quite pleased with himself until he realised you're meant to jump over the hurdles, not run through them!

Harrison Hamster I runs through a series of hurdles. Illustration from Harrison's Blog.

Stories for My Little Sister is delighted to host Harrison's Blog, where you can read a first-person (or should that be first-hamster?) account of events in this marvellous fellow's amazing life.

We hope you'll enjoy Stories for My Little Sister with the little ones in your life. Everything on there is available free of charge, and in addition to the stories there are plenty of materials, such as puzzles and colouring sheets, to inspire your kids' own creativity.

Diana and Samantha