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Diana Shaul Fine Art

Original Paintings and Drawings

Keep Moving

Image of a woman in a Sixties-style halter dress in motion.

Story: I watch you go through life in a state of constant motion, as if to be captured for a single moment, even in a memory, would hold you back, and that is something you must defy. Tonight you are in your element: a halter dress that clings to every curve and jewels that sparkle when they catch the light and music that begs us all to dance, and you change a little every second as you move. Yet now, at last, I see you as you wish to be seen. Now, you permit me a picture to carry in my mind. To be still would be to lose a part of yourself, I can tell, so never change. Just keep moving.

Media: Ink and graphite pencil

Surface: Cartridge paper (acid-free, 220gsm)

Size: A2 (16.5" x 23.4"; 42cm x 59.4cm)
